During the webinar, you will learn:
If you have come this far, it is because you are aware of how important it is to digitise your business in order to be truly competitive. A digital transformation that, of course, has reached all kinds of productive environments, including the agri-food sector.
You will hear how many of your competitors are already making use of the latest technology trends to perfect every part of their supply chain. You certainly don’t want to be left behind, and artificial intelligence is a key resource.
Even so, you may be hesitant to take the final step. Questions related to the concrete applications of artificial intelligence in your factory or crops, as well as the advantages they actually bring. In this webinar we help you clear them all up and give you the ultimate boost you need.
During the webinar, you will learn:
You are in the right place if you are the CEO, CTO, plant manager, innovation or maintenance manager of an agri-food company and you have a constant concern and motivation for continuous improvement.
This webinar is designed for any industry professional who knows that innovation is the path to true competitiveness in an environment where it is not easy to stand out from the crowd.
CEO of Datision and MBA at UPC, with more than 15 years of experience in digital transformation projects, applying artificial intelligence to different types of companies and specialized in the agri-food industry.
Industrial Technical Engineer from the UPC and Bachelor of Food Science and Technology from the UAB. Carries more than 10 years in research and development projects linked to various sectors, and for more than 4 years it has been the Director of GDE Projects. He is currently collaborating with CRESCA (Center for Food Control Research and Safety) and professor at the UPC for 7 years.